Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Links to my groups blogs

This is a link to conors blog. He has covered Film role, Mise-En-scene and Sound, Timing


This is a link to Jamies blog. He has covered Location, Representation&Stereotype, Cinematography, Editing methods, drafts


This is a link to Martins blog. He is covering Lighting, Character, Market research, Evidence of compartive research.



Semiotics is the study of signs and there meaning. They can be an object or a symbol that have a meaning and have been placed there for a reason. Semiotics can have two meanings signifiers (which is the actual image, physical apperance etc.) and the second is signified (Is what the sign refers too.) There are two other meanings as well these are Connotation and Denotation. Connotation is what you and others think when the sign is on the screen. The other one is Denotation this is when you say what you see.